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阅读:81624 收藏:43011 时间:2024-02-12 作者:23770投稿





It depends on the plagiari detection software you are using. Some software can detect plagiari even if the text is not identical. For example, if you are using a software that is able to detect paraphrasing, then the amount of text will depend on how much of the text is rewritten. Generally, most plagiari detection software can detect up to 200 words. If the text is longer than 200 words, the software will detect any identical or similar words and phrases.。


Plagiari checking is the process of comparing a piece of writing or other work to a database of existing content to determine whether that content is original or not. Plagiari checking is important for academic and professional integrity, as it ensures that authors are given credit for their work and that no one is taking credit for someone else’s work. To calculate the rate of plagiari, the system will compare the content of a document to a database of other documents and assess how much of the content is original. The system will then generate a plagiari percentage, which indicates the amount of content that is not original. This percentage can be used to determine whether a document contains plagiari and how much of the content is not original.。


Plagiari is a serious issue in academic writing. It is defined as the representation of another person's work as one's own without proper citation or recognition. To detect plagiari, several methods can be used.。

One method is keyword repetition. To use this method, a researcher must compare two documents, looking for words or phrases that appear in both of them. If more than a few words or phrases are repeated, then plagiari may be present.。

Another method is sentence structure comparison. With this method, the same sentences or sentence structures are compared, and if they are too similar, then plagiari may be present.。

The last method is a full text comparison. Here, the entire text of both documents is compared for similarities. If a large portion of the text is identical, then plagiari may be present.。

Plagiari is a serious offense and should be oided at all costs. With the methods outlined above, researchers can detect plagiari and take the appropriate action.。




